15 – 20 May 2022
Auditorium Santa Margherita
Venice – Italy
Sunday, May 15, 2022, 2:00 PM
Friday, May 20, 2022 1:30 PM
Auditorium Santa Margherita
3689 Dorsoduro Campo Santa Margherita, Venezia, Veneto, 30123 Italy
About the School
The School aims to transfer state-of-the-art knowledge on a variety of topics from key experts to the new generation of professionals working in the areas of safety and sustainability of advanced (nano)materials. To this end, the School will deliver keynote lectures and will engage the participants in interprofessional training by means of roleplay and hands-on training exercises. The programme will balance experimental and modelling approaches in each of the School topics listed below.
The school will take place in the historic centre of Venice, Italy from 15 – 20 May 2022. It is hosted by the company GreenDecision in the frame of the EU Horizon 2020 project SUNSHINE and is co-organised and substantially contributed by the Horizon 2020 projects ASINA, SbD4Nano, SABYDOMA, SAbyNA, DIAGONAL, HARMLESS, NanoInformaTIX, NanoSolveIT, Gov4Nano, NanoRIGO, RiskGONE, NanoCommons, CHARISMA and the US Duke-led INFRAMES initiative.
Join our school to gain more knowledge and multidisciplinary expertise!
Who should attend?
Topics and benefits
- Transition from Safe-by-Design to Safe-and-Sustainable-by-Design of advanced (nano)materials: a historical perspective and current policy landscape
- What they are: Physicochemical identity – Intrinsic and extrinsic properties affecting release, biodistribution, environmental fate, exposure, human and environmental toxicity
- What they are: Lifecycle release and transformations
- Where they go: Environmental fate, human biodistribution and exposure
- What they do: Human and environmental toxicity
- Similarity assessment, grouping and read-across approaches
- Risk assessment and management
- FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable) data management and data quality assessment
- Risk governance
Draft School Agenda
A draft version of the agenda is available HERE.
Registrations are closed!
School Certificates
Each participant will receive a Certificate of Attendance upon successful completion of the School.
Scientific enquiries:
Danail Hristozov, GreenDecision (IT) | [email protected]
Organisation, logistics, local support and administration:
Stefania Melandri, Warrant Hub (IT) | [email protected]
Paola Basso, GreenDecision (IT) | [email protected]
Stella Stoycheva, Yordas Group (DE) | [email protected]
Cathrin Cailliau, Yordas Group (DE) | [email protected]
School Committees
Scientific Committee
- Danail Hristozov, GreenDecision (Venice, IT) & Emerge (Sofia, BG)
- Lang Tran, Institute of Occupational Medicine (Edinburgh, UK)
- Antonio Marcomini, University Ca’Foscari (Venice, IT)
- Miguel A. Bañares, Spanish National Research Council (Madrid, ES)
- Anna Costa, Italian National Research Council (Rome, IT)
- Tobias Stöger, Helmholtz Zentrum (München, DE)
- Otmar Schmid, Helmholtz Zentrum (München, DE)
- Martin Himly, University of Salzburg (Salzburg, AT)
- Carlos Fito, Instituto Tecnológico del Embalaje Transporte y Logística (Valencia, ES)
- Andrew Nelson, University of Leeds (Leeds, UK)
- Elisa Moschini, Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (Luxembourg, LU)
- Socorro Vázquez-Campos, Leitat Technological Center (Barcelona, ES)
- Mark Wiesner, CEINT, Duke University (Durham, US)
Organising Committee
- Stefania Melandri, Warrant Hub S.p.A. (Casalecchio di Reno, IT)
- Stella Stoycheva, Yordas Group (Forchheim, DE)
- Susanne Resch, BioNanoNet Forschungsgesellschaft (Graz, AT)
- Paola Basso, GreenDecision (Venice, IT)
- Lisa Pizzol, GreenDecision (Venice, IT)
- Cathrin Cailliau, Yordas Group (Forchheim, DE)
- Hildegard Luhmann, European Research Services GmbH (Münster, DE)
- Elisa Giubilato, GreenDecision (Venice, IT)
Organising projects
- GreenDecision (Venice, IT)
- Yordas Group (Forchheim, DE)
- Warrant Hub S.p.A. (Casalecchio di Reno, IT)
- BioNanoNet Forschungsgesellschaft mbH (Graz, AT)
- Emerge (Sofia, BG)
These projects have received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 952924 (SUNSHINE), No 862444 (ASINA), No 952921 (CHARISMA), No 953152 (DIAGONAL), No 953183 (HARMLESS), No 814426 (NanoInformaTIX), No 862296 (SABYDOMA), No 862419 (SAbyNA), No 862195 (SbD4Nano), No 814401 (Gov4Nano), No 731032 (NanoCommons), No 814530 (NANORIGO), No 814572 (NanoSolveIT), No 814425 (RISKGONE).
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